Do one thing that scares you
When we are young, we are born to participate. We are excited about everything we see around us. We want to touch, taste, feel and take part in whatever we can.
With age we become aware of our surroundings and start to compare even worse. We start to judge.
Our judgements create blocks, limiting beliefs that deny us our participation in so many things.
Because of one failure or wrong word, we believe we are not good enough or we cannot do something.
These beliefs project themselves in so many areas.
When becoming a mother and choosing not to participate in certain things in order to rest for a moment my daughter said, “Mama, you don’t do anything fun.” Her words struck me like a lightning bolt.
I don't do anything fun? I am the definition of fun!
I suddenly realized how many things I'm missing out on.
I had it all wrong.. I don't always need to find moments to rest even though I was sleep deprived and tired. I needed to find moments to have fun!
That made me think about how many things I missed out on throughout the years. I didn't go to the pool cause I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin. I didn't continue going to dance class, because others were better than me. With too many people around me I didn't speak in order to not say the wrong thing.
When I realized what I missed out on by saying no and understanding that people evolve and it's time to revisit the blocks I have and to see where they projected to. What ripple affect did they have on my life.
Understanding what you need to keep and what to let go of was so liberating.
I decided to try and say yes when it made sense and exuses were the ones that blocked me from doing it.
I tried to do one new thing every month. I tried a new dance club. I talked to new people. When possible I always go to the pool with my kids and go in ( even in my postpartum body).
Focusing on 'Daring to try' and doing new or more things that I haven't done in a really long time focused my energy on more fun. I was experiencing more, getting out. I was more aligned with what I wanted to do, what my true self wanted to do without the voice that kept telling me to 'sit this one out'.
Every time I did something it felt like a success. It expands your comfort zone. It allows you to explore more And open your mind to new things.
Like they say... DO ONE THING THAT SCARES YOU! It's exciting!!